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Value-Neutrality in Business

Value-Neutrality in Business

We live in such a fast paced society that values and admires those who go-go-go – hard work is the ultimate key to success isn’t it? Yes… but only to an extent. These mentalities often result in business owners being so caught up that their outlook becomes misaligned.

In order to function at our optimal level, we need to be calm and stabilised. Self-care is essential and it shouldn’t compromise the success of your business, if anything it should improve it.

When we don’t give ourselves the time to relax, to reflect and centre ourselves, that lack of introspection will often put your life and by extension your business in a stagnant state. Your creativity becomes stifled, your critical thinking skills diminish and your ability to generate innovative ideas is repressed. We are so deeply absorbed in business that we become removed from reality.

When we are deeply involved in anything ranging from careers, friendships or partnerships that we are in emotionally invested in –it is human nature to have our ability to critically analyse the situation for what it is to be highly impaired. Ergo, when we are too deeply enthralled in business, our ability to assess the reality of its success, functionality, or service becomes skewed because we are unable to remove ourselves from it and view it from an outsider’s perspective.

This doesn’t mean to emotionally remove yourself from your business as this would be counter-productive. But the ability to be invested yet apply objectivity is crucial.

How might you actively go about achieving this balance?

  1. First and foremost you need to practise your ability to approach certain aspects of your life without your work being at the forefront of your mind. For example time with your family. As well as developing habitual routines that exist beyond your business. There is a difference between your business being a major part of your life, and not having your life circulate around it.
  2. Try to abandon bias regarding your business. Something known as the Lake Wobegon effect, leads us to garner ‘illusory superiority’. Which is the tendency to overestimate our capabilities, services and accomplishments and think that we are in some way distinctively different or special from others. From a psychological standpoint, we all fall victim to this. This is because we have a deep understanding of our own complexity, which causes us to have an exaggerated perception of the standard of our abilities. This human tendency trickles into how your business is run. So establishing objectivity can allow you to establish whether or not your services are really to the level you thought they were. Viewing your business in a light unaffected by your personal prejudice is key.
  3. Steer your passion. Take control of your eagerness and passion for your business venture so that it doesn’t become driven by self-interest. If you don’t take the reins on your passion it is easy to lose sight of sense, and you’ll quickly become emotionally exhausted by failures, no matter how minor. Being somewhat removed makes it easier to bounce back. If you suffer from tunnel vision syndrome then objectivity allows you to open up to other ideas and more readily abandon concepts you’ve initiated that aren’t working.

The ability to view your business with a value-neutral objective standpoint it essential. Doing this enables you to tangibly put yourself in the shoes of your clients and customers. Doing so makes any issues or problematic elements stand out in a more simplistic manner, and become easier for you to then actively address and rectify.


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