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7 Steps: How to be a Great Leader

7 Steps: How to be a Great Leader

If you’re a business owner you may be struggling with establishing yourself within your workplace.

How should your employees perceive you?

There are a myriad of clashing stereotypical expectations of what a boss should be…. Which one should you be fulfilling? Which type of employer garners ultimate success?

Here are some steps you can take to be a well-respected leader within a positive work environment…

1. Firstly remember that the significance of you position is essentially credited to your employees. If they weren’t there then your position as an employer means nothing without the team you have employed. They should be recognised for their large input.

2. Try not to micro-manage. When you delegate a task, it is vital you then trust them with said task. Micro-managing completely stifles a workers desire to show initiative. If they’re conditioned to believe that despite what they have accomplished, that you will always check and alter their work, they’ll take on less responsibility. It often means you’ll be taken for granted. It can also leave your employees feeling useless, when you micromanage an adult employee, it infantilises them. They are only going to take on the amount of responsibility you actually allow them. Although it may seem like no one can do their job like you can, remember that if you had the time to be doing it that you would. You may be surprised to find that an employee’s method of approaching a task is just as, if not more effective than yours.

3. It’s also vital that you maintain professionalism and composure when you’re stressed, or when an employee doesn’t perform to your standard. Losing your temper is a sure way to have your workers loose respect for you, as they’ll perceive you as temperamental, moody and unstable. It also creates an element of fear in the workplace. When tensions run high, and when workers are scared of being brutally reprimanded for a slip-up, it will stifle creativity. They’re also unlikely to confide in you when there is an issue in the workplace and keep it to themselves. It also creates a generally miserable environment to work in… not to mention you could wind up with a harassment and bullying lawsuit, so it’s probably best take a break and regain your composure at these times!

4. Establish a personal connection with your staff. They’re unlikely to respect you or take you seriously if you keep forgetting their name…

Understand their strengths and delegate tasks according to that. Knowing who you work with also creates a positive work environment. We want to please the people we’re invested in. If an employee doesn’t have any drive in their job than to do simply get their pay check, they will only do the bare minimum of what is required of them. Its human nature to exceed expectations when you’re invested in not wanting to disappoint someone. You’re not likely to care about letting someone down that you don’t even know. If you respect your staff, and take time to talk to them and connect, you’ll establish loyalty and a sense of dedication.

5. Don’t paternalise your relationship with your staff. Try not to condemn and berate your staff if they make a mistake or don’t tackle a task how you would. Remember to leave room for human error. Guide them or correct them through positive reinforcement. Psychologically, we are hard-wired to be more motivated by positive reinforcement as opposed to a punishing response. There’s less stress on you when there’s a mutual understanding that you won’t constantly intervene unless it’s particularly necessary.

6. Thank them if they exceed your expectation, if your workers are verbally acknowledged for their achievements, they’ll be far more likely to continue to do so, as opposed to being valued the exact same as employees who do the bare minimum. Appreciating good performance will also encourage those who perhaps don’t perform outstandingly, to do so.

7. Lastly, make sure you listen to them. Try not to cut them off, it can appear condescending and it’s discouraging. Your staff should always feel valued. Keep a balance of being direct and honest with them when mistakes are made, so that there is a very clear set standard to adhere to. But also allow each staff member to feel as though they are a high valued member of the team.


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